12 Best Foods to Eat After a Dental Surgery

Foods to Eat After Dental Surgery
By Affinity Dental | May 9, 2024

Following a dental procedure, whether it’s a wisdom teeth extraction, a root canal, or even a simple filling, your mouth will likely be tender and require some extra care. This is where your diet comes in! Opting for soft, easily digestible foods will not only minimize discomfort but also ensure proper healing.

Here, we’ll explore 12 delicious and nutritious options that will help you sail smoothly through your post-dental surgery recovery:

1. Smoothies and Protein Shakes:

These are champions when it comes to post-surgery meals. They’re packed with nutrients, easy to swallow, and incredibly versatile. Blend fruits (bananas, berries, mangoes), yogurt (Greek yogurt for an extra protein boost), spinach, nut butter, or even protein powder for a complete and satisfying meal.

2. Mashed Potatoes:

A classic comfort food that’s perfect for this situation. Mashed potatoes are soft, require minimal chewing, and can be easily customized. Add a dollop of low-fat sour cream or a sprinkle of cheese for additional flavor and creaminess.

3. Scrambled Eggs:

Eggs are a fantastic source of protein, essential for tissue repair and healing. Scrambled eggs are soft and gentle on your mouth. You can add chopped vegetables like spinach or peppers for extra nutrients.

4. Yogurt:

Plain yogurt, especially Greek yogurt, is another protein powerhouse that’s perfect for post-surgery meals. It’s cool and soothing, and you can jazz it up with some chopped fruit, honey, or a sprinkle of granola for added texture.

5. Soups (Creamy or Blended):

Warm, soothing soups are a lifesaver after dental surgery. Opt for creamy varieties like cream of mushroom, tomato, or broccoli. You can also blend your favorite chunky soups for a smoother consistency.

6. Applesauce:

This is a naturally sweet and refreshing option. Applesauce is packed with vitamins and fiber, and its smooth texture makes it easy to swallow.

7. Mashed Bananas:

Bananas are another excellent source of potassium, a vital mineral for healing. Mashed bananas are naturally sweet and creamy, making them a delightful post-surgery treat.

8. Avocado:

This superfood is not only incredibly nutritious but also surprisingly versatile. Mashed avocado on toast provides healthy fats and fiber, while its creamy texture is gentle on sensitive gums.

9. Cottage Cheese:

Cottage cheese is a protein-rich and easily digestible option. It’s mild in flavor and can be enjoyed on its own or mixed with some chopped fruit for added sweetness.

10. Soft-Cooked Vegetables:

Steamed or boiled vegetables like carrots, broccoli florets, and green beans are packed with essential vitamins and minerals that support healing. Ensure they are cooked until very soft for easy consumption.

11. Fish:

Flaky fish like salmon or cod are excellent sources of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which can promote healing and reduce inflammation. Opt for steamed or baked fish for the softest texture.

12. Oatmeal:

This breakfast staple is not just for mornings! Oatmeal is a soft, easily digestible food rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates, which will keep you feeling full and energized throughout the day.

A healthy diet is vital for a smooth and successful recovery after any dental procedure. By incorporating these delicious and nutritious options into your post-surgery meals, you’ll be providing your body with the necessary nutrients to heal quickly and comfortably.

While some discomfort is expected after a dental procedure, if you experience excessive pain, swelling, or difficulty swallowing, it’s important to contact your dentist in Queen Creek right away. They can assess the situation and provide further guidance or treatment if necessary.